Monday, November 14, 2011

Bundled up for Halloween.
Madeleine as Jessie is the most perfect fit for this girl. It's hard not to brag about how awesome she is, cuz she is.

And this kid, who knew he likes to smile so much. Feel like we are so new at this. Had to play around with formula quite a bit, had some rough weeks. And now this is what we get everyday.


Nat said...

Her Jessie costume is awesome! I tried to find one for my daughter but I could only find a funky bodysuit with painted on buttons, belt, etc and it was so hideous. Where did you get yours? Or did you make it? She is so cute!

kate said...

I. can. not. wait. to. squish. him!

(and maddy as always)

Me said...

ohmygoodness. I love them. Maddy looks so SO adorable. Of course she is Jessie! I hope she loves Toy Story forever. And Anders...I second Katie's comment

I have to go, so I can look at flights RIGHT NOW!

bec said...

Nat, I ended up making her costume. We bought one at Target and it fell apart the minute she put it on. She wore her Jessie shirt yesterday too.

I can't wait for everyone to squish this kid, he is so so smiley.