Friday, January 27, 2012


This was Maddy in August. That HAIR!

This is Maddy now.
It was sad to cut off all her summer blondness. And I was hoping her baby curl would bounce back up and it didn't. But it can't hide as much cereal and yogurt and mac n cheese.

I love a baby in these two piece jammies. So sweet. And why does he have two teeth already?!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Why is The Bachelor so awesome?
I can't seem to help myself, it's gross.

Guess Who's 4

Maddy Moo. Let me just cheese for a minute.
She's very kind, she kept passing her gifts around for her friends to open.
She loves her little brother. If he's crying and I can't get to him right away she rubs his head and talks to him very sweetly, "sweetheart I'm right here"
Jocko is her best friend.
She can boss all of us around for hours (days really).
She could live on cereal, Rice Krispies are her go to but Yucky Charms are a good treat.
She just got her hair chopped off (pics to come).
She loves her ballet class.
She wakes up happy every morning, it's the best part of my day.
She has more energy than I ever imagined a child could have. Literally bouncing around from the minute she wakes up till she crashes at night.
Bear and Cat (who is somehow Bear's dad) go with her everywhere.
She loves to color, paint and do puzzles.
When playing with all her "friends"/toys she lines them up, on the tub, against the wall, on the couch, on my bed.
She is my sunshine and her dad's favorite date.