Sunday, December 28, 2008

This is why

I love my husband.  Amongst other things, of course.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Tree 2008

If you do something two years in a row can it be considered tradition? I should preface all the "excited" pictures of Madeleine with the info that we got off the plane about an hour earlier and she hadn't slept well in about a week. The fact that she isn't crying in all the pictures is a testament to her sweetness.
We headed up to Sweet, Id for our annual sled, eat, tree chop on Monday. So we finally have our tree.

Maddy's personal tree.


Maddy and I spent last week in SLC with Aunt Kakie. She had a booth in the Beehive Bazaar with all her letterpress cards and prints and adorable embroidered kids shirts. Maddy and I were the help. It astounds me the amount of talent my siblings have. I can barely color inside the lines.

We also got to meet her new boy. He makes her all giggly and silly so...
There are reasons.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Let the wishing begin

I've been writing my wishlist for a while now. Most of the stuff is pretty practical. A new hair straightner, some slippers, a juicer, workout gear, etc. These, however are neither practical or necessary, I'm not even sure where I would wear them. That doesn't stop me from drooling.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sweet Madeleine's Room

I love Madeleine's room. It is soft and warm and wonderful. Maddy loves it too.

I held on to this skirt for years and when I pulled it out as a temporary fix for Maddy's crib I fell in love with it. The crib is pretty modern so I love the soft, sweetness of the skirt.

"crisp lettuce" is the name of the green I used in her room. It is perfect.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


apple orchard excursion
"pony" tail and Halloween Party

Trick or Treating (well tagging along with cousin Gabriel anyway)

I wanna be...

Bobbie Thomas. Mainly I want her hair. The color, the cut, the volume. I love her style and she always does cute stuff on the Today show. When she does cheap alternatives to the trends they are actually cheap, genious.

Monday, October 27, 2008

feather duster

Urban Outfitters has lots of cute feather hair things right now. My sister made this exact headband and I love love love it on her. I can't decide if her fabulous blond hair makes it so right. Would I need crazy peacock feathers to look ok in my darker hair? More importantly I need somewhere to wear this particular accessory. This wedding in December is becoming all too important.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I got hooked on swiffer dusters several months ago. Recently I decided they weren't a necessary purchase, I mean my mom's been dusting for years without them so it felt a little frivolous. Except I realize that I don't dust. Like never. With the swiffer I was dusting several times a week. So last week I put them back on the necessity list. My house feels so clean!

Friday, October 24, 2008

It's really funny what things matter as the mom and dad. I have issues with characters on clothing or things that say 'princess' or 'diva'. Adam can't stand headbands with bows and especially flowers on them. I like pink but not SO much pink. Every outfit Adam has ever picked out for her is pink. I like to put junk in her hair that makes it a little wavy and crazy. He likes her hair soft and fluffy. I want her to have cute toys that are toys, not learning instruments. I want her to eat lots of different things. Adam feels Cheerios is an ok breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'm strict about following the directions on baby motrin. He feels a little extra motrin never hurt anyone.
I get that none of these things matter really. It is just funny what each parent decides to take a stand on. Neither of us care that she is pushing 10 months and not interested in crawling, at all. We both kind of like that she is so happy and content with where her life is right now.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

December Desire

I have a wedding to go to in December. He is one of Adam's oldest friends, she is an old high school flame. Since I really have no where to go these days and get dressed up this is a really good excuse. I want this entire outfit. The shoes, the tights and some kind of fabulous hair thing (feathers?) My sister is someone's significant other at Anthro so she can get me a whopping 25% off, so down to $201, totally un-outrageous, right? I'm pretty sure I could cope with the fact that I am going to be hanging out with all those gorgeous southern California people for an evening, if I had that outfit. Also, -7 lbs wouldn't hurt the confidence either.

I heart

Two weeks ago Adam came home and told me he found a new job for me. I am to go to thrift stores, pick out furniture and then sell it on craigslist. It worked. Bought two pieces of furniture for $40, sold them for $85. FYI, I have really good taste.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

booty call

I usually have to have a little heel but I am in love with these, the color is so rich.
And the buttons on these, aws.
I discovered Miz Mooz last year when I bought my perfect red, button boots. I think I could love these too.
It has taken me a while to come around to booties, these with some opaque purple or blue tights would definitely change my mind.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

As a first time mom a lot of things have thrown me a little off. Why do I talk about poop with such interest? Why do I scrub down the sweet potato skin before baking it, even though it will be peeled off before she eats it? How did I ever live without a vacuum steam cleaner for so many years? I can't believe the concoctions of food I have been putting in the blender to tempt her.
My sweet girl has her first tooth. Two more are very close to popping through. I really wasn't excited for her to get teeth. The first teeth all look funny and then what if they are all crooked and I just really love the gummy smiles I've been getting the last 9 months. Then the first little ridge of white popped through and I think I might have squealed. Every teensy little thing is a thrill. Will it be like this for the next 18 years, and what about the next child?

I know it's trendy but...

I get the whole trend of hand made baby toys/dolls. Sometimes I like how proportions are distorted or exaggerated. But sometimes, they are just weird and creepy and I wouldn't want my daughter playing with it.
Then of course there are the toys I'd be willing to pay an outrageous amount of money for. Not necessarily because my sweet girl would like to play with them, but because they are cute and not painted with lead in China. ( is

Monday, October 13, 2008

How come I didn't take Home Ec.?

My mom has these pillowcases with little yellow flowers embroidered on the edge. I want to steal them and make dresses. I love that this one has a vintagey feel. I want to make a million of these for my sweet girl.

things to be excited about

1) tights

2) jackets

3) comfort food