Friday, October 24, 2008

It's really funny what things matter as the mom and dad. I have issues with characters on clothing or things that say 'princess' or 'diva'. Adam can't stand headbands with bows and especially flowers on them. I like pink but not SO much pink. Every outfit Adam has ever picked out for her is pink. I like to put junk in her hair that makes it a little wavy and crazy. He likes her hair soft and fluffy. I want her to have cute toys that are toys, not learning instruments. I want her to eat lots of different things. Adam feels Cheerios is an ok breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'm strict about following the directions on baby motrin. He feels a little extra motrin never hurt anyone.
I get that none of these things matter really. It is just funny what each parent decides to take a stand on. Neither of us care that she is pushing 10 months and not interested in crawling, at all. We both kind of like that she is so happy and content with where her life is right now.

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