Sunday, December 11, 2011

Forever and Forever

November 18th we went to court to finalize our adoption of Anders. It happened to be National Adoption day so local adoption agencies made it kind of a big deal. I believe 17 families were able to finalize adoptions on that day, infants and older children, pretty incredible. You spend just a few minutes in the courtroom with the judge. Our lawyer asks if we are aware and prepared to care for this child as if he was born to us. We say yes and say that we feel he is bonding well and then that's about it. Our judge was very kind and tried to talk to Maddy. It's all pretty quick. They gave the kids balloons and teddy bears, we got to choose a cake and gift bag and they took a family picture. We went out to breakfast and then just went back to normal life. It's funny because it matters and feels good to have everything legal but it doesn't change how we feel.
Last weekend we got to seal Anders to us in the Twin Falls temple. We feel so lucky that so many of our family and friends made the journey over to Twin. Grandpa performed the sealing so it was to the point. He was a little intimidated by Anders middle name, Kamalei, he told me that he had been practicing all morning to pronounce it right and he did. I can't really describe what it feels like to be in a sealing room with these perfect little kids. Maddy was so excited to see all her Aunties and grandparents and wanted to say hi to everyone. Luckily Mana was able to chill her out long enough for Grandpa to do his work. It was freezing outside so this is the only picture we have at the temple.
Then we partied at Cafe Rio. Three Amigos of the trip. Oh to be a fly on the wall in their car.
We ate lots of treats and sat around. We do that well.


Nat said...

So neat Becca! And you look gorgeous! I am so happy for you guys!

Me said...

our car was fun. way fewer Tommy Boy references than I expected, though.

I love Lizzie's face in that pic. She is such a cutie. It was great seeing all the sibs. And I can still hear Sarah's laugh. I miss that laugh! Your family is all wonderful. I love them.

Thanks for blogging, so I can relive this special weekend. Such a sweet baby joining your beautiful family. It's what it's all about, isn't it?

Unknown said...

Congrats to you and your beautiful family. Hope you guys are all doing well. Those kiddies of yours are too cute. Happy Holidays!

winspears said...

So happy for you guys! Such a cute family! Give those kiddos a hug from Aunt Jenn! Miss you and love you tons!
P.S. Love the picture of you guys on the beach! Makes me smile! :)