Day two. So now I'm forcing my child to watch Sesame Street? She's never watched TV before but for potty training...anything. She didn't stay entertained long. As soon as she got up from the potty she peed in Adam's office. Then sat for a while again. When she got bored she went and jumped on my bed and peed. So so fun.
Anyway, I don't get it.
is this really how you do it?
It is a joke. Worst parenting experience yet. What ended up working for both my girls is NO PULL UPS. (maybe only at night--get horrid plastic pants to wear over undies if you must go somewhere). And brace yourself for about 2 weeks of accidents--many, many accidents-- then all of a sudden they get it. My first girl was 3&1/2 by the time she got it (we stopped and started potty training 3 different times before she got it, a mistake in itself--be more patient and committed). The second was just a little over 2 years old. Not sure how old Maddy is. Good luck!!
Oh Bec, this is making me cringe. Everyone says girls are easier, but David and Caleb weren't too bad. Now Megan seems as clueless as possible about it. We haven't actually started training yet, just set the potty out and mention it casually to see if she's interested. She's not. I think I'll wait and see what works for Maddy. Good luck!
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