Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Adam's Triathlons

I've lost track of how many races Adam has done this year. The Boise Half Ironman, the Boise & Burley Spudman Olympic distance, Emmett's Most Excellent Triathlon maybe one more in Burley in September.
Anyway, he's awesome. The Burley Spudman he got first in his age group. The Emmett he got 8th place OVERALL. He beat his Ironman time from last year by 50 minutes. Every goal he set he has at least met, usually exceeded. He's got the bug and it's really fun to watch.
I know this post sounds like I'm bragging (which I am) but he put a ton of time into his training, a lot of early, early mornings and coaching sessions and special gear. Plus it's been a great way to stay busy and not miss the surf. ha

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